Always shipped free with an active subscription.
Pick your filter size(s), sign up for the monthly subscription, and your filter pack will be shipped to you within a few days. Install the first filter, and we'll send you an email when it's time to replace it. At the end of the year we will automatically ship you a new year's supply of filters.
Measuring your filter frame or the filter you are currently using is easy but the measurements are sometimes deceptive. Learn more
» MERV 7 ASHRAE rated standard
» NORMI® approved anti-microbial
» Internal frame eliminates paper cardboard
» Edge-to-edge design for a perfect fit
» Disposable every 90 days
» Easy to install; fits every time
» Less restriction to air flow
» Eliminates bio-nesting of micro-organisms
» Eliminates blow-by so all the air is filtered
» Sturdy internal frame eliminates warping
» Standard sizes available
Read moreThe 90DayFilter was awarded an Innovation Awards Honorable Mention at the 2014 AHR Expo
90DayFilter is a product of Best Living Systems
National Organization of Remediators and Mold Inspectors approved anti-microbial
The 90DayFilter was awarded an Innovation Awards Honorable Mention at the 2013 AHR Expo
The 90DayFilter is shipped in a shrink-wrapped Convenience Pack of four (4) filters right to your doorstep to provide an annual supply of filters for your system.
The 90DayFilter is NOT hazardous waste and can be disposed of through you normal household garbage.
Yes, the 90DayFilter is significantly different because it will quiet the machine, keep the internal parts of your heating/air conditioning system clean, provide high quality air into your environment, reduce the possibility of growing mold and bacteria and reduce waste going to the landfill.
Customers have rated this filter as #1 for performance in all aspects we have discussed as features and benefits.